# Methods This combined technical reference documents all available methods for the various REST Client SDKs. These methods correspond to the [Compatibility REST API Endpoints](https://developer.signalwire.com/rest/compatibility-api). Selecting the tab for a given language will display code samples and instructions for that SDK throughout this reference. shell # Create (send) an outbound SMS using cURL. curl https://example.signalwire.com/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Messages.json \ -X POST \ --data-urlencode From=+15551234567 \ --data-urlencode Body=Hello World\! \ --data-urlencode To=+15557654321 \ -u YourProjectID:YourAuthToken javascript // Create (send) an outbound SMS using the Node Compatibility REST Client SDK. const { RestClient } = require(@signalwire/compatibility-api) const client = RestClient(YourProjectID, YourAuthToken, { signalwireSpaceUrl: example.signalwire.com }) client.messages .create({from: +15551234567, body: Hello World!, to: +15557654321}) .then(message => console.log(message.sid)) .done(); csharp // Create (send) an outbound SMS using the C# Compatibility REST Client SDK. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Twilio; using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { TwilioClient.Init(YourProjectID, YourAuthToken, new Dictionary { [signalwireSpaceUrl] = {SPACE}.signalwire.com }); var message = MessageResource.Create( from: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber(+15551234567), body: Hello World!, to: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber(+15557654321) ); Console.WriteLine(message.Sid); } } python # Create (send) an outbound SMS using the Python Compatibility REST Client SDK. from signalwire.rest import Client as signalwire_client client = signalwire_client(YourProjectID, YourAuthToken, signalwire_space_url = example.signalwire.com) message = client.messages.create( from_=+15551234567, body=Hello World!, to=+15557654321 ) print(message.sid) ruby # Create (send) an outbound SMS using the Ruby Compatibility REST Client SDK. require signalwire/sdk @client = Signalwire::REST::Client.new YourProjectID, YourAuthToken, signalwire_space_url: example.signalwire.com message = @client.messages.create( from: +15551234567, body: Hello World!, to: +15557654321 ) puts message.sid Refer to the [Overview of REST Client SDKs](/docs/compatibility-api/sdks/index.mdx) for instructions for installing each SDK and initializing the client.