The URL that the user defines to which to send status callbacks and reports. | Name | Type | Default | Description | |:-|:|:--|:-| | post_prompt_urlOptional | string | - | The URL to which to send status callbacks and reports. Authentication can also be set in the url in the format of username:password@url. | ## **Request Parameters for post_prompt_url** SignalWire will make a request to the post_prompt_url with the following parameters: | Name | Type | Description | |:-|:-|:| | action | string | Action that prompted this request. The value will be post_conversation. | | ai_end_date | integer | Timestamp indicating when the AI session ended. | | ai_session_id | string | A unique identifier for the AI session. | | ai_start_date | integer | Timestamp indicating when the AI session started. | | app_name | string | Name of the application that originated the request. | | call_answer_date | integer | Timestamp indicating when the call was answered. | | call_end_date | integer | Timestamp indicating when the call ended. | | call_id | string | ID of the call. | | call_log | object | The complete log of the call, as a JSON object. | | call_log.content | string | Content of the call log entry. | | call_log.role | string | Role associated with the call log entry (e.g., system, assistant, user). | | call_start_date | integer | Timestamp indicating when the call started. | | caller_id_name | string | Name associated with the caller ID. | | caller_id_number | string | Number associated with the caller ID. | | content_disposition | string | Disposition of the content. | | content_type | string | Type of content. The value will be text/swaig. | | post_prompt_data | object | The answer from the AI agent to the post_prompt. The object contains the three following fields. | | post_prompt_data.parsed | object | If a JSON object is detected within the answer, it is parsed and provided here. | | post_prompt_data.raw | string | The raw data answer from the AI agent. | | post_prompt_data.substituted | string | The answer from the AI agent, excluding any JSON. | | project_id | string | ID of the Project. | | space_id | string | ID of the Space. | | SWMLVars | object | A collection of variables related to SWML. | | swaig_log | object | A log related to SWAIG functions. | | total_input_tokens | integer | Represents the total number of input tokens. | | total_output_tokens | integer | Represents the total number of output tokens. | | version | string | Version number. | ### Post Prompt Callback Request Example Below is a json example of the callback request that is sent to the post_prompt_url: json { total_output_tokens: 119, caller_id_name: [CALLER_NAME], SWMLVars: { ai_result: success, answer_result: success }, call_start_date: 1694541295773508, call_log: [ { content: [AI INITIAL PROMPT/INSTRUCTIONS], role: system }, { content: [AI RESPONSE], role: assistant }, { content: [USER RESPONSE], role: user } ], ai_start_date: 1694541297950440, call_answer_date: 1694541296799504, version: 2.0, app_name: swml app, swaig_log: [ { post_data: { meta_data_token: [META_DATA_TOKEN], app_name: swml app, meta_data: {}, argument: { raw: {\n \target\: \[TRANSFER_TARGET]\\n}, substituted: , parsed: [ { target: [TRANSFER_TARGET] } ] }, content_type: text/swaig, caller_id_num: [CALLER_NUMBER], caller_id_name: [CALLER_NAME], purpose: Use to transfer to a target, argument_desc: { type: object, properties: { target: { type: string } } }, function: transfer, version: 2.0 }, command_name: transfer, epoch_time: 1694541334, command_arg: {\n \target\: \[TRANSFER_TARGET]\\n}, url:, post_response: { action: [ { say: This is a say message! }, { SWML: { sections: { main: [ { connect: { to: +1XXXXXXXXXX } } ] }, version: 1.0.0 } }, { stop: true } ], response: transferred to [TRANSFER_TARGET], the call has ended } } ], total_input_tokens: 5627, caller_id_num: [CALLER_NUMBER], call_end_date: 1694541335435503, content_type: text/swaig, action: post_conversation, post_prompt_data: { substituted: [SUMMARY_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER], parsed: [], raw: [SUMMARY_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER] }, ai_end_date: 1694541335425164, } ### Responding to Post Prompt Requests The response to the callback request should be a JSON object with the following parameters: json { response: ok }