image: ./simple-voicemail.webP # Voicemail Recording This node uses the asynchronous recording method to record a voicemail. Reference the recording URL in other nodes in the Flow using the variable %{record_url}. You can also access the recording URL from the call log details in your [RELAY Space]( ## **Node Settings** | Parameter | Description | |:--|:| | **Stereo** | Record in stereo. Toggle this on to separate the two legs of the call recording into left and right channels.
**Default Value:** Toggled Off | | **Beep** | Play a beep before recording starts.
**Default Value:** Toggled Off | | **Terminators** | DTMF digits that will stop the recording. Multiple DTMF tones can be added by being seperated by a comma.
**Default Value:** None
**Possible Values:** Digits 0-9, *, # | | **Maximum Recording Length** | The maximum length of the recording in seconds.
**Possible Values:** 1-3600 seconds | | **Initial Timeout** | The time in seconds to wait for the first DTMF digit before starting the recording.
**Possible Values:** 1-99 seconds | | **End Silence Timeout** | The time in seconds to wait for the end of the call before ending the recording.
**Possible Values:** 1-99 seconds | | **Format** | The format of the recording.
**Possible Values:** wav, mp3 | ## **Examples** ### Simple voicemail with goodbye message For a traditional voicemail experience, we recommend pairing the Voicemail Recording node with a [Play Audio or TTS](/call-flow-builder/play-audio-or-tts) node and including a beep before recording. Including a terminator (in this case, a # sign) will allow nodes to run after the caller is finished leaving their voicemail.