import Tabs from @theme/Tabs; import TabItem from @theme/TabItem; The verb ends a call. While ed calls are never answered, calls that use the verb for disconnection are still answered, becoming subject to billing. ## Verb Attributes The verb does not support any attributes. ## Nesting No other verbs can be nested within and you cannot nest within any other verbs. ## Examples ### A Simple Hangup xml javascript const { RestClient } = require(@signalwire/compatibility-api); const response = new RestClient.LaML.VoiceResponse(); response.hangup(); console.log(response.toString()); csharp using Twilio.TwiML; using System; class Example { static void Main() { var response = new VoiceResponse(); response.Hangup(); Console.WriteLine(response.ToString());; } } python from signalwire.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Hangup response = VoiceResponse() response.hangup() print(response) ruby require signalwire/sdk response = do |response| response.hangup end puts response.to_s SignalWire will answer the call then immediately hangup.