import Tabs from @theme/Tabs; import TabItem from @theme/TabItem; The verb transfers a call out of the queue containing that call. It then returns the flow of execution to verb following the that placed this call into the queue. ## Verb Attributes The verb does not support any attributes. ## Examples ### Leaving a Closed Queue xml support Customer support is now closed. Please call back on the next business day. Thank you. javascript const { RestClient } = require(@signalwire/compatibility-api); const response = new RestClient.LaML.VoiceResponse(); response.enqueue({ waitUrl: }, support); response.say( Customer support is now closed. Please call back on the next business day. Thank you. ); console.log(response.toString()); csharp using Twilio.TwiML; using System; class Example { static void Main() { var response = new VoiceResponse(); response.Enqueue(support, waitUrl: new Uri(; response.Say(Customer support is now closed. Please call back on the next business day. Thank you.); Console.WriteLine(response.ToString());; } } python from signalwire.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Enqueue, Say response = VoiceResponse() response.enqueue(support, wait_url= response.say(Customer support is now closed. Please call back on the next business day. Thank you.) print(response) ruby require signalwire/sdk response = do |response| response.enqueue(name: support, wait_url: response.say(message: Customer support is now closed. Please call back on the next business day. Thank you.) end puts response.to_s Callers who are waiting in the queue for customer support will automatically be directed out of the queue after closing hours. SignalWire will notify these callers that they have left the queue and will have to try calling back another day. ### Playing Audio xml javascript const { RestClient } = require(@signalwire/compatibility-api); const response = new RestClient.LaML.VoiceResponse();; console.log(response.toString()); csharp using Twilio.TwiML; using System; class Example { static void Main() { var response = new VoiceResponse(); response.Play(new Uri(; Console.WriteLine(response.ToString());; } } python from signalwire.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Play response = VoiceResponse() print(response) ruby require signalwire/sdk response = do |response| end puts response.to_s SignalWire will play hold music for the callers in the queue until customer support hours are over. ### Leave a Call xml javascript const { RestClient } = require(@signalwire/compatibility-api); const response = new RestClient.LaML.VoiceResponse(); response.leave(); console.log(response.toString()); csharp using Twilio.TwiML; using System; class Example { static void Main() { var response = new VoiceResponse(); response.Leave(); Console.WriteLine(response.ToString());; } } python from signalwire.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Leave response = VoiceResponse() response.leave() print(response) ruby require signalwire/sdk response = do |response| response.leave end puts response.to_s wait.xml will dequeue the callers after closing hours and prompt the statement in the first example.