repo: - language:python - sdk:compatibility - product:voice This code will show you how you can use the very simple google sheets API instead of a database to store the results of a phone survey designed in Python. In this demo, we will show how it could be used to create a COVID19 health survey that will gather and append the call SID, from number, to number, and the answers to each question to our google sheet. Before we review and explain the code needed for this task, we first need to set up our Google Sheet as well as the Google Cloud Platform. Dont worry, its easier than you think! What do I need to run this code? -- Find the full code on Github [here]( You will need the [SignalWire Python SDK](/compatibility-api/sdks) as well as [Flask]( to handle the web framework. [gspread](, and [oauth2client]( are all a part of our google sheets integration. Additionally you will need a SignalWire account, which you can create [here]( You will also need your SignalWire API credentials which you can find in the API tab of your SignalWire Dashboard. For more information, read our guide to [Navigating your SignalWire Space](/platform/dashboard/getting-started/navigating-your-space). How to run this application ### Run this application natively To run the application, execute export then run flask run. You can use this application as both an inbound or outbound survey. To use this script as an inbound survey, expose it to the web (through a server or SSH tunnel) and use it as a webhook for handling incoming calls under phone number settings. For this script, you would use the server url and the /survey/welcome route, like this You may need to use an SSH tunnel for testing this code if running on your local machine. – we recommend [ngrok]( You can learn more about how to use ngrok [here](/platform/basics/guides/technical-troubleshooting/how-to-test-webhooks-with-ngrok). Step by Step Walkthrough The github repository found [here]( contains four files. The readme which does not impact our app. is where we will configure our google sheets client, and set the sheet which we will write survey results to. config.json.example is an example file that you will replace with a creds.json file provided by google cloud. CovidSurvey is where our main app will live. Configuration - Before running the application we have to get a few things set up. First we will set up Google Sheets and Google Cloud, and after we will set up our python script and routes. ### Configuring Google Sheets The first step is that we will need to create a [google sheet]( for our results to be sent to. We will use the example Covid_Survey, but the name doesnt matter **AS LONG** as you make sure that the name you use in the survey matches the name you use in your python code. We need to first create headers for the survey in the google sheet form. Alternatively, you can push the headers to the google sheet form yourself in your code if you would like to. However, we want to show the most straightforward and easy way of accomplishing this goal. If you are following our example exactly, your google sheet should look like this. ### Configuring Google Cloud Platform [Google Cloud Platform]( is next on the list of things to set up before we can use our Python script. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a myriad of cloud computing services, but in this case what we need is the Google Sheets API so that our Python script can connect with the google sheet and send the necessary information. Sign into Google Cloud Platform with your google account and navigate to the home page. We will first begin by clicking the dropdown menu next to the Google Cloud Platform logo on the left side of the toolbar. On the example of my account that Im sharing below, you can see the spot you need to click is called CovidSurvey. If you have created a project previously, you might see project name there. Next, click **New Project** in the upper right hand corner of the pop up showing all projects. This will take you to the new project page. In my example, I chose to keep the names synonymous and named mine CovidSurvey. However, youre fully welcome to name this whatever you would like as long as its something memorable and helpful for you. You can leave the organization as blank as this will not apply to us. Once the project is created, go back to the home page and make sure that your new project is selected in the dropdown that we clicked before. Next we need to add Google Drive and the Google Sheets API to this project. You can access all of the potential APIs and tools by clicking the hamburger menu in the upper left corner, hovering over **APIs & Services**, and clicking **Library**. Once youre in the **Library**, you can search for Google Drive in the search-bar. Click **Google Drive API**, which should be the top result returned. You can then click **Enable** in order to install the API within your project. Go back to the **Library** and search Google Sheets in the search-bar again. Click **Google Sheets**, which should be the top result returned. You can then click **Enable** in order to install the API within your project. Once complete, go back to the home page and select the hamburger menu in the upper left hand corner again. This time, we need to hover over **APIs & Services** and click **Credentials** instead. Click the blue + button at the top that says **CREATE CREDENTIALS** next to it and choose the option **Help Me Choose**. You will need to answer a few questions, which are stated in bold and answered directly below. **What API are you using?** Google Drive API **Where will you be calling the API from?** Web server (e.g. node.js, Tomcat) In our case, this will be Flask! **What data will you be accessing?** Application Data **Are you planning to use this API with App Engine or Compute Engine?** No, Im not using them. We are almost at the very last step! Next, click **What credentials do I need?** This will open the **Create a service account** section. Again, the name is completely up to you, but its best to keep it consistent so that it doesnt get muddled later on. For service account name in this example, I chose **survey**. Enter your chosen name and press **Create**. In the next section, scroll down to the **Project** section under **All Roles** which will display some extra options on the right side. Select **Editor** here. Make sure to select **JSON** as the key type and select continue. This should trigger a JSON file to be downloaded on your browser. Open the JSON file in a text editor and copy whatever the value of the client_email key is. Now we need to go back to the Google Sheet that was created, click on the **Share** button, paste the copied email address, assign the role of **Editor** to that email address, and click send! Thats all there is to it, were now done with the Google Cloud Platform part of this project! ### Configuring the Code in Python There are two different parts to this code, the main script for running the survey and the script for handling data. We will take each section one at a time and explain how they all work. #### Configuring the script for handling and writing the data to the spreadsheet The only purpose of this script is to write the data to our spreadsheet. If you decided to name your spreadsheet something other than Covid_Survey like mine, this is where it could cause a problem. Make sure to replace the last line of this code with the identical name of your spreadsheet or the data will not push to Google Sheets. Make sure that the creds.json file that was downloaded in earlier steps is in the same folder as and the main script. This script uses the creds.json file in order to verify that we have permission to use this API and update the spreadsheet. python from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials import gspread import os scope = [,] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(os.getcwd() + /creds.json, scope) client = gspread.authorize(creds) sheet = #### Configuring the main script for running the survey Before we start on the Flask routes, we need to create a Python dictionary called answers that will store each of the calls by using CallSid as the key and the array of answers as the value. We also need to define a function that will translate our responses into XML. python answers = dict() def toXML(resp): resp = Response(str(resp)) resp.headers[Content-Type] = text/xml return resp #### /survey/welcome The first route that we need to create is our welcome route. This is the first thing that a customer will hear and where we append important data such as the CallSid. We need to start by creating our first entry into our dictionary answers with CallSid as the key and an empty array as the value. We can then append the actual CallSid , To number, and From number as our first entries into the array that will be inserted into our spreadsheet at the end of the call. This will make sure that each row of survey responses has some identifying data to distinguish who gave what response. We then need to initiate response and execute a