hideInGuideShowcase: true Taking advantage of SignalWire’s extremely disruptive pricing for DIDs and minutes with FreePBX on chan_sip is super easy! :::danger Deprecation Warning The chan_sip module in Asterisk has been deprecated since Asterisk 17 and will receive no further development effort. Further, there are limitations in chan_sip when it comes to receiving inbound calls from SignalWire, and moving to PJSIP is strongly advised - as discussed in [this](/platform/integrations/pbx-systems/set-up-freepbx-with-signalwire) guide. ::: **IF** you still prefer to move forward with chan_sip, here are the instructions! Creating a SIP Endpoint -- If you dont have a SIP endpoint set up already, the first step is to [create a SIP Endpoint](/voice/getting-started/sip/set-up-a-signalwire-phone-number-with-a-sip-endpoint) and connect it to a phone number. Editing the Signalwire SIP Endpoint for chan_sip FreePBX -- There are a couple of settings we need to change on the SIP Endpoint we have created in SignalWire to get good interworking with FreePBX:
Set Encryption to ‘Required’
Disable the Encryption option for AEAD_AES_256_GCM_8 as Asterisk is not currently supported and will cause a warning on the Asterisk Command Line (though calls would still work).
Setting Up chan_sip FreePBX With the above in place, having this SignalWire SIP Trunk added and working on FreePBX is done in just a few easy steps. Find **Trunks** under the **Connectivity** menu, then add a SIP (chan_sip) trunk, and on the **General ** tab enter the following: Trunk Name: SignalWire (Can be anything you want) Outbound CallerID: 1-111-2223333 (whatever DID you purchased) On the **Sip Settings** tab and the **Outgoing** sub-tab, enter the following: Trunk Name: freepbx (the name you gave the SIP endpoint) In the **Peer Details** box, add the following lines: type=peer host=duffett-113115cf718e.sip.signalwire.com (your space URI) defaultuser=freepbx (your SIP endpoint name) fromuser=freepbx (your SIP endpoint name) secret=password (your SIP endpoint password) realm=duffett-113115cf718e.sip.signalwire.com (your space URI) fromdomain=duffett-113115cf718e.sip.signalwire.com (your space URI) encryption=yes (enables media encryption) text type=peer host=duffett-113115cf718e.sip.signalwire.com defaultuser=freepbx fromuser=freepbx secret=password realm=duffett-113115cf718e.sip.signalwire.com fromdomain=duffett-113115cf718e.sip.signalwire.com encryption=yes In the **SIP Settings** tab and the **Incoming** sub-tab, there is just one thing to add, and that is the **Register String**, at the bottom: Register String: freepbx:password@duffett-113115cf718e.sip.signalwire.com (username:password@your space URI) There are just three more SIP settings to change, and they are all to be found under the top-level **Settings** menu and then picking the **Asterisk SIP settings** option. The first two are found on the **General SIP settings** tab, under **Security Settings**. They are: Allow Anonymous Inbound SIP Calls = NO Allow SIP guests = YES The last one is on the **SIP Legacy Settings [chan_sip]** tab in the **Advanced General Settings** section, where you will change the following: Default Context: from-signalwire (this directs all ‘unrecognized’ SIP calls into) (the ‘from-signalwire’ dialplan context,) (where we will obtain the dialed number) (from within the SIP header) Lastly, there is a small amount of dialplan script to add (which we will place in a context called ‘from-signalwire’ - which we just set as the Default Context above), in order to extract the dialed number from the SIP Header, before passing the call to FreePBX for normal processing. We do this by entering the following lines in a file called **extensions_custom.conf** (which may be empty) using the inbuilt config editor in the **Admin** menu (Admin > Config Edit > extensions_custom.conf): text extensions_custom.conf [from-signalwire] exten => s,1,Set(numb=${CUT(CUT(SIP_HEADER(To),@,1),+,2)}) same => n,Goto(from-pstn,${numb},1) Now just set up your inbound routing (the DID will be in the format 14693733729) and your outbound routing as normal. You should now be able to make outbound calls over your SignalWire SIP trunk and accept incoming calls to the number you purchased, saving you a ton of money! Troubleshooting If you are not receiving inbound calls, make sure that your FreePBX has successfully registered with SignalWire - this is done by clicking on **Reports** and choosing **Asterisk Info**, then clicking on **Registries** from the list on the right-hand side. If it does not show ‘Registered’ (as shown below), go back to step 4 above, and double-check that your Registration credentials (your SignalWire SIP endpoint name, password, and space URI) are all correct.