- product:freeswitch - product:messaging In order to send an SMS from a FreeSWITCH dialplan extension, we need to do a few things: 1. Fill out the **space_name**, **project_key**, **api_token**, **signalwire_number**, and **cellphone** channel variables. 2. Substitute all the spaces in the **sms_body** for the url encoded equivalent of %20: sms_body=${system(printf aleg ${uuid} is calling bleg ${bleg_uuid} | sed -r s/ /%20/g)} 3. Calculate the base64 equivalent of your authorization credentials so **auth** is properly setup for curl header **append_headers** Authorization:basic ${auth}: auth=${system(printf ${project_key}:${api_token} | base64 --wrap 0) 4. Then, you have the Dialplan Extension. Dial 792 from any registered sip phone, or from bash do: **fs_cli -x originate loopback/792 echo inline**. Then, your cellphone should receive a text. Review the comments in the extension for additional notes. xml