- product:messaging - product:voice # Number Groups In the phone numbers section of your Dashboard, you will find a tab to manage number groups, but what are they and why are they so useful? Number groups allow you to create a collection of numbers that will act as one entity rather than needing to specify multiple From/To numbers or implement a round-robin communication system on your side. If you often use a pool of numbers to handle one use case, such as dialing a department of agents or sending customer care updates to the same people, number groups are the perfect tool. ## Using number groups for Voice If you have an IVR for your business that lets customers connect to a specific department, chances are you are dialing multiple phone numbers at once rather than one specific person. Instead of manually setting up your code to dial multiple agents numbers, you can group your agents in a number group and dial that number group every time. When one agent picks up, the calls to the rest of the agents will stop ringing. ## Using number groups for Messaging Number groups are ideal for messaging, but its important to remember [Campaign Registry (TCR) requirements](/messaging/get-started/campaign-registry). If you are using number groups for messaging on 10DLC, the best practice would be to have a number group represent a campaign with only numbers registered to that campaign in the group. In this case, unless you are approved for number pooling, there could be no more than 49 numbers in a messaging number group. Incoming messages to a group will be sent to all included agent numbers. When you send messages from this number group, it will round-robin the From numbers and send them at the approved rate for your campaign. ### Sticky Sender for Messaging Sticky sender is a crucial feature of number groups that can help you build brand recognition with your customers. You can enable sticky sender either with the toggle in the Number Groups setting on your Dashboard or by setting sticky_sender: true when [creating the group with an API call](/rest/signalwire-rest/endpoints/space/create-number-group). With sticky sender enabled, instead of choosing a random number from the group, the same From number will be chosen for the same To number every time. This means that without doing any extra work on your side, your customer will always receive messages from the same company number. ## Deleting Number Group You can delete a number group from the groups settings page. Deleting a number group will make it unavailable going forward and all services that reference this number group will no longer be available. Make sure none of your applications are calling the number group before deleting it. The phone numbers associated with the number group will not be released from your account.