hideInGuideShowcase: true To send MMS, you must include a media attachment. The content-type header must have an accepted content type, or SignalWire will have to reject the request. Media Size Limits -- The overall size limit is 1.2MB for local numbers and 750KB for toll-free numbers. Most carriers support message attachments with a total size of 1MB-1.2MB. However, to maximize deliverability across all carriers, limit your attachment size to 500KB. Accepted MIME Types - All of the following MIME types are accepted. SignalWire will not modify the body content for device compatibility. | Type | Description | | :-- | : | | audio/mp4 | mpeg layer 4 audio | | audio/mpeg | mpeg layer 3 audio | | audio/mpeg3 | mpeg layer 3 audio | | audio/ogg | ogg audio | | audio/vorbis | audio compression format | | audio/vnd.wav | wav format audio | | audio/ac3 | codec format audio | | audio/amr | codec format audio | | audio/midi | musical instrument digital interface format | | image/jpeg | jpeg format image | | image/gif | graphics interchange format | | image/png | portable network graphics format | | image/bmp | bitmap image format | | text/plain | text file format | | text/calendar | text file format | | text/vcard | text file format | | text/x-vcard | text file format | | video/mpeg | mpeg video format | | video/mp4 | mpeg layer 4 video format | | video/quicktime | quicktime video | | video/h264 | video compression format | | video/3gp | media container format |