- language:python - product:messaging # Reply Statistics This guide will use the SignalWire Python SDK to get a list of owned DIDs, and compare inbound and outbound messages to provide statistics on reply rate. The resulting stats. ## What do I need to run this? You will only need the [SignalWire Python SDK](/compatibility-api/sdks), and your SignalWire API credentials. If you arent sure where to find your credentials, check out [this](/platform/dashboard/getting-started/navigating-your-space) guide on naviating your Space. ## How do I run this code? ### Check out the full code Full code example: Get reply statistics for SMS python from signalwire.rest import Client as signalwire_client SIGNALWIRE_PROJECT_KEY = SIGNALWIRE_TOKEN = SIGNALWIRE_SPACE = client = signalwire_client(SIGNALWIRE_PROJECT_KEY, SIGNALWIRE_TOKEN, signalwire_space_url=SIGNALWIRE_SPACE) replydict={} uniquereplies=[] ournumbers=[] badsmsbody=[STOP,NO,UNSUBSCRIBE] badsmsnumbers=[] sentmsgscount = 0 response = client.incoming_phone_numbers.list() for sid in response: ournumbers.append(sid.phone_number) response = client.messages.list() for message in response: if message.from_ in ournumbers: sentmsgscount = sentmsgscount+1 if message.body in badsmsbody: badsmsnumbers.append(message.from_) if message.from_ not in ournumbers and message.to in ournumbers: if message.body not in badsmsbody and message.from_ not in uniquereplies: uniquereplies.append(message.from_) replydict[message.sid] = [message.from_,message.body] replycount = len(replydict) uniquecount = len(uniquereplies) badcount = len(badsmsnumbers) replypercent = (replycount/sentmsgscount)*100 sentmsgscount = str(sentmsgscount) print (You sent +str(sentmsgscount)+ messages) print(You recieved + str(replycount) + Replies) print(str(uniquecount) + Unique User Replied) print(str(badcount)+ Stop or other bad replies) print(Your reply rate is + str(replypercent)+ %) ### Run Natively Run the app.py file in your python environment of choice. ## Code Walkthrough The only file for this snippet will be an app.py file. ### Into our application #### Setup First we will import our SignalWire python SDK to handle our requests to SignalWire. python from signalwire.rest import Client as signalwire_client Now we can use our SignalWire credentials to create a client python client = signalwire_client(SIGNALWIRE_PROJECT_KEY, SIGNALWIRE_TOKEN, signalwire_space_url=SIGNALWIRE_SPACE) Setting up our lists and dictionary variables for later use. replydict will take each message with the message SID as the key, and the message from_ and body as a list of values. uniqureplies will be our filtered good replies list ournumbers will pull numbers from our project. this could be replaced with a list of phone numbers from a campaign to create a more granular overview of an account with multiple campaigns. badsmsbody is our list of bad words, these could be opt-out phrases, or any other replies you do not want to consider useful to count in your statistics badsmsnumbers is a list of the phone numbers who have sent bad replies. sentmsgcount will count the the outbound messages sent from ournumbers python replydict={} uniquereplies=[] ournumbers=[] badsmsbody=[STOP,NO,UNSUBSCRIBE] badsmsnumbers=[] sentmsgscount = 0 #### List ournumbers Now that we are done with our setup we can begin by populating our list of phone numbers. python response = client.incoming_phone_numbers.list() for sid in response: ournumbers.append(sid.phone_number) #### List messages Then we can call a list of all messages. You could filter these messages by passing arguments to client.messages.list(). For each message we get from this call, we will check if the message is from one of ournumbers and increment sentmsgscount Then we will check the message body and append bad messages to our badsmsnumbers list. Then, if the message is not from ournumbers, and is to ournumbers. We ensure that the message is not bad, and is a unique entry to our uniquereplies list. Additionally we will add all replies regardless of if they are unique to our replydict. python response = client.messages.list() for message in response: if message.from_ in ournumbers: sentmsgscount = sentmsgscount+1 if message.body in badsmsbody and message.from_ not in ournumbers: badsmsnumbers.append(message.from_) if message.from_ not in ournumbers and message.to in ournumbers: if message.body not in badsmsbody and message.from_ not in uniquereplies: uniquereplies.append(message.from_) replydict[message.sid] = [message.from_,message.body] #### Data formatting Finally, we will do some calculations, and format our data so it can be printed to the console. python replycount = len(replydict) uniquecount = len(uniquereplies) badcount = len(badsmsnumbers) replypercent = (replycount/sentmsgscount)*100 sentmsgscount = str(sentmsgscount) print (You sent +str(sentmsgscount)+ messages) print(You recieved + str(replycount) + Replies) print(str(uniquecount) + Unique User Replied) print(str(badcount)+ Stop or other bad replies) print(Your reply rate is + str(replypercent)+ %) An example of output would be printed to the console like so: output You sent 60 messages You recieved 11 Replies 1 Unique User Replied 0 Stop or other bad replies Your reply rate is 18.333333333333332% ## Wrapup This guide provides a basic application to gather statistics on sms replies using the SignalWire python SDK. While this is a basic implementation it can be a powerful tool to implement into more in-depth reporting systems for your SignalWire usage. ### Resources [Python SignalWire SDK](/compatibility-api/sdks) ## Sign Up Here If you would like to test this example out, [create a SignalWire account and Space](https://m.signalwire.com/signups/new?s=1). Please feel free to reach out to us on our [Community Slack](https://signalwire.community/) or create a Support ticket if you need guidance!