import Tabs from @theme/Tabs; import TabItem from @theme/TabItem; Overview -- This code snippet uses recording status callbacks in order to send a transcription of the created recording via SMS. When a recording is created with the recording status callback pointing to this script, a SignalWire client object will be created and used to send the message to the end destination cell phone. You can learn more about recording status callbacks, all of the possible parameters you can learn, and how to set them up in our [status callback mega guide](/guides/signalwire-status-callbacks#recording-status-callbacks)! Full code example: Recording URL to SMS
python from flask import Flask, request from import Client as signalwire_client app = Flask(__name__) # TODO: Update with your own credentials signalwire_space = project_id = XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX auth_token = PTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @app.route(/sendRecording, methods=[POST]) def message(): call_sid = request.form.get(CallSid) recording_url = request.form.get(RecordingUrl) client = signalwire_client(project_id, auth_token, signalwire_space_url = signalwire_space) m = client.messages.create( body=You have received a voicemail. Listen to the recording here: + recording_url + . The Call SID is + call_sid, from_=+1xxxxxxxxxx, to=+1xxxxxxxxxx ) return recording_url js const express = require(express); const { Messaging } = require(@signalwire/realtime-api) var app = express(); app.use(express.urlencoded()); app.listen(3000, () => { console.log(Server running on port 3000) }); // TODO: Update with your credentials let project_id = XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX; let access_token = PTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx const client = new Messaging.Client({ project: project_id, token: access_token, }), (req, res, next) => { let call_sid = req.body.CallSid let recording_url = req.body.RecordingUrl client.send({ body: You have received a voicemail. Listen to the recording here: + recording_url + . The Call SID is + call_sid, from: +###########, to: +############ }) return recording_url }); Python This script is short and simple. There is only one route in this application which we will call /sendRecording. ### What do I need to run this code? You will need the Flask framework and the SignalWire [Python SDK](/compatibility-api/sdks) downloaded. ### How to Run Snippet? To run the application, execute export then run flask run. ### Code Walkthrough In order for us to connect to SignalWire later on in the code using the Rest Client we first need to make sure we update space_url, project_id, and access_token. We need to use request.form.get(ParameterName) in order to gather the CallSid and RecordingUrl parameters and store them in their own variables. If you want to include more parameters either to print to console or include in the message, you can gather them using the same format here. We then create a SignalWire client object with our project details and authentication. All thats left there is to create a message object and send all of the necessary information within the Body with the To number being the end destination number and the From number being a SignalWire number. python from flask import Flask, request from import Client as signalwire_client app = Flask(__name__) # TODO: Update with your own signalwire_space = project_id = XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX auth_token = PTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @app.route(/sendRecording, methods=[POST]) def message(): # accept incoming parameters and store them. Feel free to add any extra parameters that you would like to print to # to console or add to your message. This example will show CallSID and recording URL. call_sid = request.form.get(CallSid) recording_url = request.form.get(RecordingUrl) # create a client object connected to our account & project client = signalwire_client(project_id, auth_token, signalwire_space_url = signalwire_space) # create a text message and send ourselves the text m = client.messages.create( body=You have received a voicemail. Listen to the recording here: + recording_url + . The Call SID is + call_sid, from_=+1xxxxxxxxxx, to=+1xxxxxxxxxx ) return recording_url Node.js - ### What do I need to run this code? We will need the following libraries (click their names to get instructions on how to install them): - [Express]( - [SignalWire Realtime Client]( ### How to Run Snippet? If you save this code snippet in a file called recordingURLViaSMS.js, for example, you then need to run: node recordingURLViaSMS.js in the terminal. ### Code Walkthrough #### Load the necessary libraries javascript const express = require(express); const { Messaging } = require(@signalwire/realtime-api) #### Instantiate Express In this section we create and launch Express, to then have it listen for requests on port 3000. javascript var app = express(); app.use(express.urlencoded()); app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, () => { console.log(Server running on port 3000); }); #### Set your SignalWire Credentials In order for us to connect to SignalWire later on in the code using the Rest Client we first need to make sure we update project_id, and access_token. javascript let project_id = XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX; let access_token = PTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #### Instantiate the SignalWire Client Since were just going to be sending messages, there is no need to specify the Relay context. javascript const client = new Messaging.Client({ project: project_id, token: access_token, }) #### Expose the /sendRecording endpoint Here we expose the /sendRecording endpoint, that will solely respond to POST requests, and outline the actions to take when one comes in. We gather the call_sid andrecording_url from the request body. We then create a message with the body making use of the data gathered from the request, using FROM and TO numbers of our liking. javascript, (req, res, next) => { let call_sid = req.body.CallSid let recording_url = req.body.RecordingUrl client.send({ body: You have received a voicemail. Listen to the recording here: + recording_url + . The Call SID is + call_sid, from: +###########, to: +############ }) return recording_url }); Wrap up - It is very simple to send a particular recordings URL via SMS, and it doesnt take a lot of code to accomplish this functionality either! Sign Up Here If you would like to test this example out, [create a SignalWire account and Space]( Please feel free to reach out to us on our [Community Slack]( or create a Support ticket if you need guidance!