Represents a current or past detecting session in a call. You can obtain instances of this class by starting a Detect session with one of the following methods: - [Call.detect](./voice-call.mdx#detect) - [Call.detectAnsweringMachine](./voice-call.mdx#detectansweringmachine) - [Call.detectDigit](./voice-call.mdx#detectdigit) - [Call.detectFax](./voice-call.mdx#detectfax) ## Properties ### id The unique id for this detecting session. **Syntax:** **Returns:** string ### type The type of this detecting session. **Syntax:** CallDetect.type() **Returns:** machine | digit | fax| beep ### result The result of the detecting session. **Syntax:** CallDetect.result() **Returns:** | Detect Type | Type | Event Values | |:--|:--|:--| | [amd](./voice-call.mdx#amd) \| [detectAnsweringMachine](./voice-call.mdx#detectansweringmachine) | string |
| | [detectDigit](./voice-call.mdx#detectdigit) | string | Possible digits detected: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # * | | [detectFax](./voice-call.mdx#detectfax) | string |
| ## Methods ### ended ▸ **ended**(): Promise